May 29, 2005

Les Ailes Vertes (レ・ゼール・ヴェルト@神谷町)

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This restaurant's owner sells meat so the cooking-style is simple but quality of the meat is really high. The choco cake has hot choco fudge inside which is really yummy~~Actually it is my second time to dine in this restaurant. Check out my old entry.
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フォアグラのパテ。埼玉産シェフこだわり豚骨付きロースの炭火焼。美味しい~!Foie gras pate. Roasted pork. Simple but juicy - meat heaven ho ho.
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とろ~りとろけるチョコレートケーキ、バニラアイス添え。ベリーグッド~!ピスタチオのブランマンジェー、カプチーノ仕立て。Chocolate cake. Pistachio blanc manger.
Les Ailes Vertes

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Yeah, it has pistachio in the pate. Very yummy!

seat | June 2, 2005 06:59 PM

foie gras pate...loks so yummy~~ is that pistachio inside?
The pork looks crazily big portion~ The choco cake a bit normal looking, the Pistachio blanc manger is foamy, seem good~

Freda | June 2, 2005 10:21 AM