June 08, 2005

ブラッセリー・グー(Brasserie Gus)

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Terrine, onion quiche and grilled scallop, very good!
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0609 016.jpg野菜とベーコンのスープ。骨付き羊ロースト。チョコレートケーキ。2100円のランチコース、コーヒーは別料金で315円。
Vegetables and bacon soup. Roasted lamb. Chocolate cake. The lamb is wonderful~~Very satisfying lunch!

[ my favourites | french food | 飯田橋・神楽坂 ]

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Actually I was really stuffed too...and I didn't need dinner at all!!

seat | June 9, 2005 12:49 PM

wow so much food~~ (that terrain and quiche can be my lunch already :D) The lamb~~ O.O It's way too luxurious haha!

Freda | June 9, 2005 08:10 AM