July 10, 2005


0710 010.jpg0710 005.jpg

0710 016.jpgラムと野菜のジンギスカンスープカレー、ハーフサラダ、あずきパフェ。全部で2300円。The lamb and the vegetables are really good but the soup curry itself is terrible. Also, everything in the parfait is yummy except the soft ice-cream which is very watery and tasteless. Damn it is quite expensive now I think about it.

[ 池袋 ]

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Curry is 1200, salad 350, parfait 700. Well the veggy and the lamb are great so next time, if there is next time, should just order curry.

seat | July 11, 2005 08:24 PM

the salad kinda has a cheap cheap feel ^^;;; 2300 is a bit too expensive for such quality.

Joan | July 11, 2005 04:53 PM