August 25, 2005


0824 020.jpgカナー菜チャーハン、900円。美味しい!飯田橋のTINUNは外のTINUNより美味しい気がする、、、

[ 飯田橋・神楽坂 ]

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seat | August 26, 2005 11:13 PM


マール | August 26, 2005 06:54 PM

Oh it is Thai restaurant. Go go go get some Thai food!!

seat | August 25, 2005 09:24 PM

Looks like Thai fried rice, isn't this a Vietnam restaurant? I missed good Thai food...wanna eat it right now XO

Freda | August 25, 2005 05:05 AM

This is the only good meal(dinner for this one) I had in a few days! So tasty so satisfied! There is pork inside as well as vegetables. The only complaint is that it is not spicy, so I added a lot of chilli myself. But it tastes really good either way.

seat | August 25, 2005 01:41 AM