September 04, 2005


0903 015.jpg0903 022.jpg
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0903 060.jpg上カルビ(再)。なぜか、一皿目より質が上~。

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seat | September 7, 2005 11:07 PM


マール | September 7, 2005 04:54 PM

so...much...meat... (*drool*)
If it's that bad for your hair and whole body, I can't imagine the stain damage to your camera...becareful~~ ^^b

Freda | September 6, 2005 05:25 AM

Gosh, I stank of animal fats afterwards! ^^;;; My clothes, my hair, my bag, oh my darling new bag -o-, even my skin were coated in fats. I pity the people who sat next to me on the train back home. ^^;;; Yeah I have never seen my camera so soiled!! Had to get some cleaning kits the next day to get rid of the grit.

seat | September 6, 2005 12:06 AM

did the smoke ruin your camera lenz?

tomoko | September 5, 2005 03:20 PM

Do you whole body (hair, clothes) smell like meat afterward? ^^;;

Joan | September 5, 2005 02:00 PM

Very very tiny place and almost non-existent ventilation so the smoke was the worst I have experience ever - tears non-stop from my eyes! But the meat was fantastic!

seat | September 4, 2005 05:52 PM