September 26, 2005


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Elegante Vita NACORA

[ cakes and sweets | 渋谷・恵比寿・代官山 ]

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yeah I love amanatto too!
infact I'm eating them right now!
haha so people had the misconception you were a natto lover huh!
but actually I know most young people don't like amanatto.

tomoko | September 29, 2005 04:46 PM

yeah yeah...I think that's the name. So for the longest time I thought "Natto" = that sugar coated bean. So I have the conception that how yummy "natto" are and puzzled why lots of people find 'natto' yucky...^^;;;

Freda | September 28, 2005 04:26 AM

the shop looks very *elegante* indeed!

is the sugar-coated bean ŠÃ”[“¤H
so surprised you like them!

tomoko | September 27, 2005 08:08 PM

Vita-bean??? I have never ever heard of that!!! Were we in the same planet?!! ^^;;;;;

Somehow big places that have cafe/restaurant/cooking school don't appeal to me as having good food...Well I haven't tried the food properly yet....though the parfait wasn't as good as it looks...

seat | September 27, 2005 08:07 PM

I remember vaguely remember the nickname for those beans in HK was "Vita-bean" (the 2 words for vita = those vita drink). And it is a Japanese thing, I think I ate that from the old lady (my grandma's friend) who used to take care of us when we were little, who had exquisite taste for very good snacks (usually Japanese). They were sugar-coated version though. AH childhood~~
Such a large operation, maybe the kitchens are training ground for the cooking school? ^^;;

Freda | September 27, 2005 09:54 AM

I have no idea what those beans called....I think I have only eaten it in Japan!

Yeah, got attracted by the shop's outlook and fancy name...^^;; They have cakes and do lunch and dinner - Japanese and French fusion. Might try it one day.

seat | September 26, 2005 07:35 PM

wow the place has multi-floors including dinning restaurant and cooking school and salon!!(such a ladies' heaven) how elaborate!

Freda | September 26, 2005 04:26 AM

hey what are those long beans call? (in chinese and english?) I remember loving those (if they're what I think they are) as a child but I never find out what they are! *_*

Freda | September 26, 2005 04:25 AM