October 16, 2005

Brasserie de l'institut

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[ french food | 飯田橋・神楽坂 ]

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Not cooking school I think, probably a school for learning French language and culture. Homepage is here.

Hmm...but foodwise really no intention to try again...

seat | October 19, 2005 06:49 PM

so french yet not good, duh~~
may be you didn't order the right stuffs? ^^:; (excuse excuse)

Joan | October 19, 2005 01:15 PM

What is insitute of France (cooking school?)?

Freda | October 19, 2005 01:06 PM

The food was actually terrible! Though the restaurant is inside the Insitute of France, hence the nice garden, French waitors, and many "Frenchly-dressed" students as customers. Won't go back again though!

seat | October 18, 2005 06:37 PM

Wow so rare to see big green garden space in Tokyo!? Is it inside a park or? Couscous...err...^^;; The food seems a bit normal, yet the place seems so cozy and nice!

Freda | October 18, 2005 01:15 PM