October 23, 2005


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051023 036.jpgMOMOと野菜のスープカレー、990円。「MOMOとは、チベットやネパールやタイなどでギョウザのこと」。この餃子もちもして美味しい~!大辛にしたけど、あまり辛くないので、今度は激辛をトライしたいね。

[ 神宮前・青山・広尾 ]

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yeah so pretty, the veil~~

Freda | October 25, 2005 09:30 AM

It is soup curry from Hokkaido. The dumplings inside the soup are supposed to be exotic but they taste just like normal gyoza with a bit of spice - very very good dumplings though! I love the atmosphere and privacy too!

seat | October 24, 2005 04:43 PM

wow fancy website~ (haha those 'scary' kanji spell as tagline). They only sell Tibetian/Nepal soup curry?

Freda | October 24, 2005 11:44 AM