November 19, 2005

Toshi Yoroizuka

051119 029.jpgチョコレートスフレ(フランボワーズソース付き)、1000円。焼きたてであつあつ、すごく美味しかった~。
toshi yoroizuka

[ cakes and sweets | 渋谷・恵比寿・代官山 ]

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Hahaha, it is because there are many nice restaurants in this area and I often lunch here in weekends with friends, and after lunch it is always cake time and I only know this place...^^;;;

seat | November 21, 2005 09:44 PM

Is this your most repeated visiting cake place? (gotta try them all right?)

Freda | November 21, 2005 02:24 PM