January 27, 2006


060125 016.jpgちゃんこ鍋。A hotpot with chicken and pork and seafood and vegetables. 1890yen for one person set during lunch time. The soup is soya sauce base. I was given a bowl of sesame seeds to grind myself and a small dish of "yuzu" pepper paste...and no bowl to eat. The waitor said I should scoop the cooked ingredient and the soup into the bowl of sesame and eat from there.....but that is too much sesame! So I just chucked the whole plate of raw ingredients, the sesame, and the "yuzu" pepper paste into the hotpot....it was very good!! Though I really craved rice!!

[ 池袋 ]



Sure I could, but the waitors were not exactly very friendly and helpful so I couldn't be bothered...

seat | January 27, 2006 06:24 PM

Put the food into a bowl of sesame? ^^;; that sound strange.
Can you ask for a bowl anyways?

Joan | January 27, 2006 11:11 AM