February 02, 2006


060202 019.jpgカルビ丼定食。 Beef rice bowl with small udon, 800yen. Another really bad lunch - that's why I had no motivation to upload for days. The beef was so rough so hard so salty, even the side dishes were terrible. I finished only the rice and udon.

[ 池袋 ]

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It is Ikebukuro, you always mix up the two names, haha. ^^;;; This restaurant is a shabu-shabu and sukiyaki place, so I thought the beef would be good...I hope it wasn't leftover beef...

seat | February 3, 2006 05:36 PM

Seems like things that so simple that's hard to get so wrong. Can't trust cheap meals.

Joan | February 3, 2006 03:31 PM

And to think it's located at Shibuya...

Freda | February 3, 2006 02:51 PM