February 22, 2006


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A dinner that I have been looking forward to for a month! Nice and trendy interior, all counter seats. Tofu and the boiled veggy are free. Smoked quail eggs.
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Sashimi: horse liver(just tastes like any liver ^^;;), katsuo, sayori. Shui-mai.
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Beef shabu shabu salad. Fried sakura-shrimp and onion.
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Chicken hot pot and Grilled pork rice bowl.
All the food are very nice! Though I was looking forward to eat a lot of fish sashimi but their menu changes and when we went they didn't have what we wanted to eat.

[ japanese food ]

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Yeah, there are horse meat barbecue restaurants! But it is not too popular yet. Horse meat is supposed to be healthier, less fat, and also there is no mad-horse disease yet....

seat | February 27, 2006 12:07 AM

Ooohh Japanese tapas~~~ You can tell from those entire sof mine that I love them, I always feel like I've only tried like 5% of the kind of dishes they come up with. I love those sauced quail eggs, it's normal to see normal eggs, never seen them so tiny and cute!! XD
Horse liver ^^;;;;;;; (didn't know Japanese eat ...exotic parts from unexpected animal as well), so does that mean, there's horse meat available too?

FREDA | February 25, 2006 01:29 PM