March 05, 2006


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肉ぶっかけうどん+炊き込みご飯セット。Beef bukkake udon and takikomi rice(dunno how to translate ^^;;), 900yen. I thought bukkake udon usually has only a bit of sweet soya sauce to mix with the udon, but this one basically is soup udon, and since I ordered cold version, the soup was cold....I was chilled to the bones eating it. And the beef was too hard and tasteless and I left most of it. The noodles itself was good though. And the portion was MASSIVE. Would have been happy about it if I hadn't ordered the wrong thing(for the weather). The takikomi rice was good too.

[ 池袋 ]

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Yeah, since I like hard noodles, I prefer cold udon than hot! But better eat it in summer only.

seat | March 9, 2006 02:29 AM

I never try cold udon before haha...I'd think when it's cold the thick udon noodle get 'harden' quickly?

Freda | March 8, 2006 09:31 AM