March 30, 2006


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060329 026.jpgモンブラン、レモンのタルト、パリプレスト。Mont Blanc, Tarte de Citron and Paris-Brest Frase. For tea I had the Wedding Imperial, which has a chocolate and caramel flavour(but not sweet). The cakes were so-so. The tea was good but I think it was left too long in the tea-pot and was already very bitter when it was served, and it got more and more bitter as time went....even I like my tea bitter, it was a bit hard to drink.

[ cakes and sweets | 神宮前・青山・広尾 ]

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Hmm? Wedding Imperial is the name of the tea. Can't remember which country it is from...

seat | March 30, 2006 07:20 PM

the interior is so royal and luxurious :D

Freda | March 30, 2006 09:57 AM

Work been very crazy lately, so no time to go have good food (and blogging) Y_Y

What is Wedding imperial? The tea should be left for about 3-4 mintues, otherwise it'll get bitter.

Joan | March 30, 2006 04:12 AM