April 09, 2006


060409 004.jpg味噌汁セット、840円:湯葉のとろとろ味噌汁(八丁味噌と津軽三年味噌)、明太子ごはん、胡麻豆腐、柚子ジュース。
Miso soup set with mentaiko rice, sesame tofu and yuzu juice. A counter eating space inside a department store food section. At first I thought, 840yen for just miso soup and rice?! But as usual the miso is all special and branded type and the lady actually mixes and cooks the miso in front of you. The yuba(beancurd thing) is really nice, and the miso is richly flavoured. Quite satisfying actually....

[ 池袋 ]

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and that's what it looked like..^^;;;

Freda | April 13, 2006 04:03 AM

The sesame tofu tastes more like sesame jelly~~

seat | April 12, 2006 07:20 PM

I don't think that's too expensive, 840 for soup + mentaiko and tofu~ so good!!! ^^;; The black tofu looks so interesting~

Freda | April 12, 2006 08:39 AM