April 30, 2006


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Girls in kimono are such eye-candy~~
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Fedelini with shirasu(little white fish) and mizuna. The pasta is surprisingly good. Lunch is 1680yen. Since the appetizer and the dessert are just so-so, the cheaper 1260yen pasta-only lunch is probably more worth it.

[ 飯田橋・神楽坂 ]

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Oh those girls are probably dressed for some Japanese ceremonies, cos that area is very old town-ish.

The sauce is olive-oil based with a garlic taste. Should try making it~

seat | May 2, 2006 11:49 PM

I wonder what the occasion it is for those girls to dress up (can't be specially dressed up for the italian lunch ^^;;) The Japanese pasta sounds so good! (hehe gimme idea what to try next)

Freda | May 2, 2006 09:30 AM