June 09, 2006

Ristorante Stefano (リストランテ ステファノ)

060609 003.jpg060609 004.jpg

060609 006.jpg野菜のロールパイ、ジャガイモのトリテッリ、トマトソース、チェリータルトといちごのアイス、ランチコースで1700円。Vegetable pie, Potato tortelli in tomato sauce, cherry tart and strawberry ice-cream. The mashed potato is stuffed inside the tortelli, the tomato sauce is quite good. Have come here before. I think this place is more about the atmosphere than the quality of food, yet this time it was busy lunch hour and very crowded so not as comfortable as last time.
Ristorante Stefano

[ italian food | 飯田橋・神楽坂 ]

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It is more like wonton skin with mashed potato and cheese stuffed inside. ^^;;

seat | June 13, 2006 12:57 AM

tortelli are like dumplings, is it kinda like gnocchi + ravioli?

Freda | June 12, 2006 02:54 PM


seat | June 11, 2006 12:36 AM

うん、やっぱり^^; シェフと正反対な感じ~(笑)

やっこ | June 10, 2006 12:43 PM


seat | June 10, 2006 12:15 PM


やっこ | June 10, 2006 11:55 AM