June 26, 2006

コモール タタ(Kommol tata)

060620 123.jpg060620 111.jpg

060620 119.jpgビキニ(チョコアイス、ワッフル、クッキークランチ、ナッツ、チョコソース)、450円。
Bikini - chocolate ice-cream, waffle, cookie crunch, nuts, chocolate sauce. A new coldstone ice-cream shop where they chop and mix the ingredients on a cold marble stone. It is not bad, but not sure the show of chopping and mixing does anything to the taste...

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Sure sure. ^^;;; But then the ingredients must be ones that taste better when chopped and mixed on spot, like fresh fruits, cookies, sponge cakes, brownie etc. The one I had probably doesn't taste much different whether it is readily mixed or mixed on spot. ^^;;;

seat | June 30, 2006 06:49 PM

The ice-cream would be more soft and easier to eat!? And the mix stuffs is mixed well, so not just on the top?! ^^;; in that case the chopping and mixing ice-cream make sense to me.

Joan | June 30, 2006 10:13 AM


seat | June 29, 2006 01:02 AM


やっこ | June 29, 2006 12:12 AM

Wonder where the nice smell comes from, can't be the ice-cream, right?

seat | June 28, 2006 04:49 PM

I always wonder about that too...there's a chain here call Coldstone, they always 'smells' good from outside, but when you actually had the icecream it was rather standard and not at all special tasting.

Freda | June 28, 2006 01:33 PM