September 08, 2006


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オールドファッションベイクド チーズケーキと昭和ブレンド、800円。
A retro cafe with a lovely corner that I couldn't take pics of. Old-fashion baked cheese cake, and shouwa blend coffee. The cake is the usual mild-tasting type and a little frozen-cold. I love the unique taste of the house blend...but it took her so long to make it that when it came it was not hot!! ^^;; The master showed up later...I wish he had made the coffee for me.

[ cakes and sweets | 池袋 ]

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20 mins is indeed long! Next time you should phone and order in advance so that it will be ready when you arrive.

seat | September 13, 2006 08:21 PM

Oh I love the retro look~ so charming!
I once wait for a coffee for very long too, it felt like 20 mins
mins, worst coz it was a take-out. But when I taste the unique rich deep taste, all is forgiven...^^;;

Freda | September 13, 2006 11:37 AM


seat | September 9, 2006 08:19 PM


やっこ | September 9, 2006 12:18 PM