March 23, 2007

魚遊膳 開華亭

060210 004060210 002

060210 007うなぎ蒲焼の柳川風、さつま揚げ、竹の子土佐煮、890円。
Unagi with egg, Yanagawa-styled. Comes with satsuma-age(fish cake), and bamboo shoots with bonito flakes. Quite good~. Also comes with free Japanese plum wine even on a weekday.

[ 池袋 ]

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Yeah I was like "what the hell is this place?" when I went in. I sat on the counter seats surrounding a big fish tank with no fish in it... ^^;;

seat | March 29, 2007 09:07 PM

Nice old style building~ Inside is so retro too!

Freda | March 29, 2007 08:50 AM