June 11, 2007


Not kakigori, not sorbet, but "snowflake ice" apparently. Originated from Taiwan. It does feels very fluffy and feathery. I had the one with mango and mango sauce on it. The shop is in the middle of the busiest street in Akihabara.

[ cakes and sweets | 神田・神保町・秋葉原 ]

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wow RP do you know any Taiwanese place in LA that we can have this?

Freda | June 15, 2007 10:11 AM

Huh???!!! ^^;;;;;; I never understand Japanese craze for this kind of ice dessert. One of my Japanese friends took more than an hour train ride just to eat a bowl of ice with syrup(?o?).

seat | June 12, 2007 01:09 PM

Oh, mango ice!! Heard some Japanese tourists actually went to south Taiwan mainly to eat it :-P

RP | June 12, 2007 11:32 AM