bread bread bread

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左: 「La Baguette(CLOSED)」のバケット、アングレーズ・ポム(リンゴとカスタード)、ショソン・オ・ポム(甘酸っぱく煮たリンゴのコンポート)
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左: トロワグロ (TROISGROS)☆小いもジャガのブレッド(小いもとコンビーフ potato and corn beef)☆まつたけのタルティーヌ matsutake mushroom, with cheese and butter and soya sauce
右: Suminoe(墨絵)☆リンゴ☆ぶどう☆オレンジのパン☆カスタードクリームのパイ Apple, grape, orange bread. Custard cream pie.
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moomin bakery & cafe
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Maison Mikuni メゾンミクニ池袋東武
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Theobroma デオブロマ池袋東武
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Macous マコーズ
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orange, raisin and walnut. Pretzel. Cheese and walnut. Cheese.
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Orange, raisin and walnut stick. German bakery, healthy hard type bread, very good though.

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Edo Bakery(エドベーカリー@飯田橋)
Sweet beans. Butter and syrup. Quite good but a bit sweet.

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Tuna, olives, tomato sandwich. Olive. Potato. Walnut. Tomato. Fig. A really good bakery that I always go.

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Shark fin(yeah right ^^;;) and pork fried bread. Sesame. Crab and scallop. Fatty and no good…

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Fig. Cherry. Beans. Just for the record.

2 thoughts on “bread bread bread

  1. crazy~ so many bread!!! I remember that “Viron” place, it seems you must have tried everything (or do they come out with new flavor?) Is there an oven in the kitchen of student hall?

  2. Some new flavour come out from time to time. But VIRON is too good I eat most of the stuff twice or thrice, especially sandwiches~~~

    I have a toaster yo!

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