October 28, 2004

エル・チャテオ (El Chateo)

1028 003.jpg1028 005.jpg

1028 007.jpg焼き茄子とアンチョビのマリネ、サーモンとキノコのバター焼き、コーヒー付いて1260円。味が濃いけど、悪くないと思うよ。
Marinated aubergine and anchovy, grilled salmon and mushroom in butter sauce. Not bad.

[ 新橋・銀座・日本橋 ]

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Aubergine is eggplant...eggplant just sounds funny. ^^;;;

Yeah restaurants are stingy with their bread here(and butter too). So I only re-visit restaurants that serve warm bread and let you have as much as you want, with butter or olive oil.

seat | October 29, 2004 09:58 PM

wow the bread is big size (in JP standard).
You know I remembered the Italian place you took me to lunch at Daikaiyama, when the server brought a basket of bread, I was expecting her to just put the basket down on our table (since that's the quantity you get in all the restaurant here). Instead, I was surprisd that we're just choose ONE little bread out of the basket...^^;;;;;

Joan | October 29, 2004 11:25 AM

the anchovy looks really good!!! what is aubergine?!!

tina | October 29, 2004 01:47 AM