January 12, 2005

翠華@Wellington street, Central

0111 005.jpgエビのスイートサワーソース炒め堅焼きそば、800円。美味しいよ。Sizzling fried noodle with king prawns, Peking and Sichuan style.

[ hong kong ]

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Shared with my mom, who loves this kind of fried noodles but can never finish one plate herself. It is nice once in a while lor, cos yeah, v. normal. ^^;;

seat | January 13, 2005 07:16 PM

Yeah this looks delicious to me even though I don't quite that kind of noodle (those fried thin one)!

Joan | January 13, 2005 02:23 PM

This looks normal but ...looks YUM!!! *_*

Freda | January 13, 2005 09:03 AM