February 05, 2005

Maison Barsac

0205 005.jpg0205 007.jpg

0205 011.jpgカニのムース。サーモンとほうれん草のクリームソース。コーヒーついて、1250円。ボリュームがあって、結構美味しい。Crab mousse. Salmon and spinach, with cream sauce. Quite good.

[ 有楽町・丸の内 ]

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The crab mousse is the appetizer, it is like solidified crab soup. ^^;;;

seat | February 7, 2005 11:26 PM

The place looks pretty~~ The crab moose is a stand-alone or for bread?

Freda | February 7, 2005 02:36 PM