March 10, 2005

パティスリー西麻布オランジュ (Nishiazabu orange)

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ミルフィーユ(好き)。フロマージュクリュ。Mille-feuille(strawberry and custard cream layered with pastry). Fromage(rare cheese cake).
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オランジュ(美味しい)。モンブランタルト。 Orange and chocolate - very rich and nice. Mont Blanc(chestnut cake).

[ cakes and sweets ]

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It does look very pretty. The tart is very very good but the chestnut cream is not chestnutty enough! ^^;;;

seat | March 10, 2005 12:47 PM

*O* I want that Mont Blanc tart~~~

Freda | March 10, 2005 06:15 AM