April 20, 2006


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ジャガイモのポタージュ、鴨パテサンドイッチ、1000円。Duck pate sandwich, it is sooooooo nice!!! The bread is homemade and nicely toasted, the pate is such a thick slice~. Want to go back to try their full course lunch, which the ojisan in the picture ordered and he kept telling the waitor how he delicious it was and in fact took pictures using his mobile phone...maybe he has a food blog too. ^^;;

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seat | April 24, 2006 04:34 PM


やっこ | April 21, 2006 11:55 PM


The restaurant is on the 4th floor, very nice~! Oh I had difficulty eating it too~~ actually I am really crap and usually make a mess eating hamburgers and sandwiches, either with my hands or with knife and fork! Though I like to eat the pate and the bread together, just took a bite on the bread and then a bite on the pate and sandwhich them again in mouth. ^^;;;

Funny thing is after the waitor served the main dish, he stood besides the ojisan and started chatting, the ojisan sorta pretended to cut the meat but didn't really eat, as if to wait for the waitor to leave...but then he gave up waiting and took out his mobile phone and said, "Oh haha, the food looks so good, let me take a picture." as if he just thought of it suddenly, but it was rather obvious he intended to take pictures from the beginning but was embarassed to do so while the waitor was looking...Ah, all so familiar dilemma of a blogger...^^;;

seat | April 21, 2006 04:07 PM


やっこ | April 21, 2006 02:38 PM

XDDDD You're not alone!!!
Those glass panels are so beautiful, what a nice view. I always found pate sandwich hard to eat, even if it's thinner slice...The first couple bites might be nice, then...the bread just seems a bit unnecessary. Plus, I want more than just bread + block of pate for my sandwich ^^;;

Freda | April 21, 2006 04:21 AM

Love the ojisan pic. Sucker for view from tall glass window sort of... thing :-) Haha I like the fact that he actually took pix of the dishes!

RP | April 21, 2006 03:14 AM