May 11, 2006


0605011 010.jpg春キャベツとアンチョビのトマトソース、セットで1000円。Cabbage and anchovy in tomato sauce. Actually not bad! Pasta not too over-cooked and the tomato sauce was good. See, I am not that fussy~~

[ 飯田橋・神楽坂 ]

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I don't get full from sandwich and pizza...I need rice or noodles(maybe it is the difference in water content ^^;;).

seat | May 14, 2006 01:21 AM

as in compare to sandwich, pizza...I much prefer well cook easy to eat basic pasta

Freda | May 13, 2006 04:50 AM

haha I'd love to have simple non-overcooked, alright tasting pasta for convinient lunch every other day...they are fast, easy and satisfying.

Freda | May 13, 2006 04:49 AM