September 11, 2006

Prego Pacchetto (プレゴ・パケット)

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ポテトとインゲンのバジリコクリーム ニョッキ、950円。
Gnocchi with potato, kidney beans and basil cream sauce. Surprisingly big portion and tasted quite good, though the gnocchi were a bit too big size and I had to cut them in half otherwise the sauce wouldn't stick enough.
Prego Pacchetto

[ 池袋 ]

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How about Shanghai mochi(year-cake)? Can you not stomach that too?

seat | September 13, 2006 08:28 PM

oh no...gnocchi...they're way too heavy, I can only eat ...5 of them...

Freda | September 13, 2006 03:02 PM


seat | September 12, 2006 03:26 PM


やっこ | September 12, 2006 01:08 PM