September 10, 2006

L'assiette Blanche (ラシェット・ブランシュ@白金高輪)

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Bacon and cheese toast. Marinated sardine and couscous salad.
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060910 001.jpgブルターニュ産仔鴨胸肉のロースト アンディーブ添え 柑橘ソース。ココナッツのブランマンジェ、マンゴーソース。ランチコースは3500円。メインはアラカルトメニューからチョイスして、+1500円。グラスワインは800円。
Roasted duck breast with endive in citrus sauce. Coconut blanc manger in mango sauce. Every dish was very good! The cheapest 3500yen lunch had 3 choices for the main dish but they were all very standard and I had similar stuff many times before, so I picked the main dish from the a la carte menu, which was an extra 1500yen but the waitor said the portion would also be bigger - turned out it was the right choice cos the duck was so tender so soft so juicy and so big! Like my friend said, this place doesn't have a creative menu to tickle your curiosity but instead the standard dishes are all very refined. The service was fantastic yet there was no service charge!
L'assiette Blanche

[ my favourites | french food | 白金・三田 ]

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the duck looks incredible, so many pieces~~

Freda | September 13, 2006 12:14 PM


seat | September 11, 2006 12:26 AM


やっこ | September 10, 2006 07:53 PM