April 11, 2007

PIERRE HERMÉ PARIS (ピエール・エルメ・パリ)

060220 107060220 105
モガドール: パッションフルーツ風味のミルクチョコレートガナッシュ。
マカロン ペーシュ・アブリコ・サフラン: サフラン風味の白桃のガナッシュ、柔らかアプリコット。
Mogador(left): Passion fruit and milk chocolate Ganache.
Macaron Peche Abricot Safran(right): Safran-flavoured peach Ganache and apricot.
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ピスターシュ: ピスタチオガナッシュ。
ショコラ: ビターチョコレートガナッシュ。
Pistache(left). Chocolat(right).
カフェ: コーヒー風味のガナッシュ。
シトロン: レモン風味のクリーム。
Also coffee, lemon, vanilla, and rose flavour.
The best macarons I have had so far(not that I am the macaron expert...). Love rose flavour the most!

[ cakes and sweets ]

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Actually I NEVER like macarons, until I had the ones from this shop. The texture is so chewy - in fact I put them into the fridge so they harden a bit and become even more chewy.

seat | April 13, 2007 09:16 PM

usually the macaron I get, only Rose and Pistachio taste/smell distinct...all the other flavor are usually just...sweet. ^^;; I always feel that Macaron must have a floral or perfumey flavor~ (invoke the image of Rococo French ^^;;)

Freda | April 12, 2007 10:28 AM