July 01, 2007

天丼 いもや (Imoya)

"Imoya" is famous for its tempura and tonkatsu(pork cutlet). Sort of a chain, with a dozen of branches distributed around Jimbocho/Kanda area. This one is specialised in tendon(tempura on rice). Of course not the delicate high-end tempura. This shop's selling point is cheap, quick, and big portion. The normal tendon is 500yen which is incredibly cheap. I ordered the more expensive Ebi-tendon, expecting a few more pieces of tempura, but instead I got the same amount but with the fish and the squid both switched to ebi(prawn). Guess it is better to just order the basic tendon, and add extra tempura which are like 100yen a piece. I have visited the tonkatsu branch(entry here) which I like more.
天丼 いもや

[ 神田・神保町・秋葉原 ]

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seat | July 2, 2007 09:14 PM


湯 | July 2, 2007 01:20 PM