ENZO forno

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Lunch salad+drink bar is quite good, lots of choices. Pasta is sakura prawn and veggy, garlic oil, hmm, should have ordered pizza instead…
060331 014.jpgいちごのミルフィーユ。
The lunch set was 1200yen which included a small dessert but the blackboard with the dessert menu was hung right in front of me and I couldn’t resist ordering the strawberry millefeuille(^^;;)….hmm, if I knew the qualilty I would have resisted.

3 thoughts on “ENZO forno

  1. I had a lot of that kind of regret…^^:;;
    I have to remind myself that pastry chef is a different guy (or sometimes there’s not one), and that if the waiter/menu doesn’t hardsell the pastry, it’s probably not what they’re proud of = no good.

  2. やっこさん>

    Oh the dessert menu has many items so I thought they were worth a try…damn. ^^;;

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