August 22, 2006

千疋屋フルーツパーラー 日本橋総本店

060819 019.jpgスペシャルパフェ、1575円。After a rather bad dinner, not full and not satisfied, we went upstairs to this fruit parlour for desserts. I had Peach parfait last time. Special parfait, with banana ice-cream and mango ice-cream and strawberry sauce at the bottom, very good~. Ended up very stuffed though. ^^;;

[ cakes and sweets | 新橋・銀座・日本橋 ]

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seat | August 23, 2006 11:49 PM

こっちの方が良かったな~ 生クリームが美味しいし~

やっこ | August 23, 2006 07:34 PM