It’s been ridiculously hot in LA for the past week that we avoid going out as much as possible (hence lack of update). But we still need to feed our stomach. This usually named Thai noodle house (coffee shop?) is one of the best and cheapest lunch spot we frequent during work. The menu gave me the feeling of a street side noodle stand, the noodles are tasty even with cheap ingredients (the ‘seafood’ dishes are mostly imitation crab, fishballs…etc!)
Yen Ta Fo, a mixed seafood (+ fried pork skin) thick noodle in reddish sweet & sour pink sauce (which wasn’t fully stirred in the photo). The flavor is well balance, not too sweet unlike other places. I wish there were pork blood (coagulated) in it. The noodle was smooth.
Beef Boat Noodle with beef meatballs, liver, tripe, tendon, and fried pork skins. At first glance it seems similar to Vietnamese pho, but the flavors are more complex. The broth has a wonderful exotic aroma and multiple flavors (sweet, sour, salty, spicy all at the same time); and it looks murky from the cow blood. Again I wish there were some actual cow/pork blood pieces in it.
Sapp Coffee Shop (323) 665-1035
5183 Hollywood Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 9002

They look very gourmet in pictures and then I read about the ingredients…which are basically processed food with no nutritional value….^^;;
Wow you girls are becoming cyber celebrity?!
Haha no…no way cyber celebrity. AT least this is positive, unlike that one time I got chase out of the restaurnat by the owner because I got recognized..arghhhh…
Sapp’s jade noodles are great (get them as a soup). And I loved their pork fried rice.
Thx Raven, I alway stick with the boat noodle and never tried others, I def. have to try to jade noodle.
Thx Raven, I alway stick with the boat noodle and never tried others, I def. have to try to jade noodle.