This is where Hog Island Oyster locates, a historic Ferry building turned upscale gourmet Farmer’s Market. It is way too spotlessly clean and neat to be a market really, there’re a lot of fresh perfect looking organic vegetable and Wine store. The entire place felt like a plastic toyland with obsessively detailed works. It’s awesome! 😀
This cute pastry candy shop Milette Patisserie has lots of cute and pretty cakes that looked too sponge-cake for me ^^;; The candy flowers in pot are lovely~ I got these Candied Rose Petals, they’re very sugary and the petal taste like…paper…^^;;;
Tsar Nicoulai Caviar Cafe is a boutique and cafe. The smallest 1 lb. tin can cost $65 each. o_O
I think those awesome bread from the Oyster place came freshly baked from this ACME Bread shop, smell so good~~ XO
Cowgirl Creamery is truly a cheese lover haven! You can sample taste before you buy. Vero bought a Gouda cheese, so yummy~
The Recchiuti Confections boutique is a wonderful experience. The illustrations on wall, the samples, the Vero bought a jar of silky smooth Chocolate spread and boxes of chocolates. I bought a box of Key Lime Pears (not in pic), it is bitter-chocolate covered thin slice of Pears, with key lime juice mixed in. Very $$$ though.
Love this exotic mushroom store!
So the market has lots of wine, cheese, vegetables, caviar, chocolates, gelato, candies, cakes, bread…would have been more perfect if it has seafood and groumet coffee store! o_O We were looking desperately for coffee, but it only has a chained one, Peet’s Coffee (SF is where it origined).
Tags: Travel Report
The caviar sampler….oh my god….mouth watering…
Caviar+cheese+bread: would be nice if they have a sandwich place to try all of them.
The illustrations are so designy for a choco shop!
The exotic mushroom are fun but gosh how are you supposed to know how to cook them? ^^;;;
Joan, is that the bag you bought in Japan????
from the outside, this building looks just like any other warehouse, but whoa… once you’re in.. it’s heaven for rich food loving people 🙂 … we are working on the rich part!
I got this chocolate sauce thing that I finally ate with peach.. uhmmm yum… oh, girls.. that Gouda Cheese that I got? my goodness… it’s undescribable!!! I ate it with a rose wine.. oh mann.. ok i have to stop drooling online 🙂
It was between Oyster or Caviar…if I knew about the caviar place beforehand I’d make a better plan so I can eat both. I saw someone ate there, and on his finished plate there’re still tons of caviar left! What a waste!
ARRRR Vero I’m so jealous! XO The chocoalte with fresh fruits sound so gourmet, so simple~ We finished the keylime pears in…1 night…T__T
>hi veronica!
are you working now in seattle??
I am working on getting rich too 😀
Hi vero, it is a pity that rich food like foie gras, caviar, oyster, uni….are all so expensive!! ^^;;;
What??? You can eat the caviar there?! You should have tried~~~~and think about going bankrupt later!! When I see good food, my brain conveniently stop understanding the value of money…^^;;;
me too…I think if I don’t go out for lunch during workdays, each only homemade lunchbox…I would have saved tons of $…(I’ve been start cutting down already ^^;;) But you know, when it’s laid back at office, and no one to check on you, you wanted to go out for a break…and that often ends up in a restaurant for a $10+ lunch.