Went to a friend’s wedding over the weekend. He’s a freelancer at IF so many of the guests are my co-workers. It’s interesting to see everybody so dress up and look nice. The wedding is held at the Los Angeles River Center & Gardens at Echo park, it’s an outdoor space and the weathers been bad. Fortuantely the rain stopped when the ceremoney started. The ceremony was short and smooth, which was good because I was starving!
After the ceremony, the guests headed out to another area for the bar and snacks. The Mushroom potsticker was really good though a bit oily. The Shrimp wrapped in zucchini was a good but I liked the Brie with pommengranite the best, it’s such a great combo. Tuna Tartar was a bit bland (as most tuna tartar are). I was so hungry that I keep eating them whenever they’re brought over.
The dinner reception was at an indoor space. The little gift box on the table with our name was fulled of chocolates. The breads/crackers were yummy, especially the ones with cheeses. I had two magarittas and some champaign so I was a little drunk later on. ^^;;
Overall the dinner was really good, gourmet fine dining quality. I loved the appetizer Duck Salad, there’re so much duck that it’s almost the main entree. There are 3 options for the main entree and under John (the groom)’s strong recommendation I chose the Seabass. It’s wrapped in leaves and it’s so delicious! The dessert bar was beautifuly decorated, it’s mainly berries, cookies and yogurt. Somehow I missed the whole cake cutting thing. The wedding cake didn’t look so good and it didn’t taste good either. Just regular bland tasting chocolate (rough sponge texture) cake. To the two of you whose weddings are coming up, would you pleases make sure the wedding cake taste great? Dessert is important after a great meal!
I had a good time overall. Though the whole time I keep thinking how it’s really not worth to spend THAT much $$ for just a ceremony no matter how nice it can be! Imagine you can use those $ to travel around the world for 6 months and you still have $ left. And I don’t really get the whole brides maid/best men thing…what do they do exactly. Oh one of my friends’ car got broke in, even though he parked at the parking lot inside the park, and his car isn’t even the best car in the lot. What’s up with the security?!

gotcha! dessert is important! doesnt matter if it looks shitty.. does it? hehehe… yeah im gonna keep that in mind!
strong recommendation for my main course: duck! or fish! not the lamb! hehehehe..
oh I hear ya about the wedding seeming such a waste of money! I totally agree. but if I ever get married and not have a wedding, I would never hear the end of it from my mom, so I think I’ll have a wedding just as a gesture…
(btw I’m looking at this from work, but the layout of the page gets jumbled up on the mac. there’s a huge white void in the center of the screen….)
Joan…I couldn’t stop laughing reading your report!!
“Get it over done with!! Quick!! I am famish!! GIVE ME FOOOOOOD!!!!”
The last pic is the couple??
Yeah that’s the married couple on the last pix, John and Honor.
The food was sooo good! $ well spent on that at least, hehe…