March 21, 2005 4

Palace Kitchen (Seattle: Belltown)

By in 05: US Other

Dsc02621.jpgDsc02624.jpg We started our Seattle eating journey right away when we just arrived at midnight. ^_^ Vero took us to a lounge bar/restaurant nearby her apartment, Palace Kitchen, that has kitchen opens till 1:00 am, they even have a “midnight breakfast.” It is really dark inside.

Laura Chenel goat cheese fondue, serve with grilled bread and apple, $7.5. cheese plate $16, from bottom to top: Humboldt Fog: a tangy goat’s milk cheese with an ash rind, Sublimity: a mild cow’s milk cheese, Les Freres: a pungent washed rind cow’s milk cheese, San Andreas — a fruity aged sheep’s milk cheese, Ewe’s Blue: a sheep’s milk blue cheese. I like San Andreas and Ewe’s Blue the most. And 2 cocktails: Pear Brandy and ??? (I forgot already ^^;;).

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4 Responses to “Palace Kitchen (Seattle: Belltown)”

  1. seat says:

    The fondue looks trendy~~~~How come the blue cheese is not blue?? ^^;;;

  2. tina says:

    Did you girls like the goat cheese fondue? that was my first time having fruits with goat cheese instead of regular cheese, which turns out heavnely!

  3. Joan says:

    The goat cheese is alright, but I prefer other types of cheese myself.

  4. vero says:

    I was tired that night, and this place is supposed to be good for their entree. and it’s walking distance from my apartment hehe…
    I don’t like cheese, but when it comes to fondue, it’s sooo yummy hehe..