We started our Seattle eating journey right away when we just arrived at midnight. ^_^ Vero took us to a lounge bar/restaurant nearby her apartment, Palace Kitchen, that has kitchen opens till 1:00 am, they even have a “midnight breakfast.” It is really dark inside.
Laura Chenel goat cheese fondue, serve with grilled bread and apple, $7.5. cheese plate $16, from bottom to top: Humboldt Fog: a tangy goat’s milk cheese with an ash rind, Sublimity: a mild cow’s milk cheese, Les Freres: a pungent washed rind cow’s milk cheese, San Andreas — a fruity aged sheep’s milk cheese, Ewe’s Blue: a sheep’s milk blue cheese. I like San Andreas and Ewe’s Blue the most. And 2 cocktails: Pear Brandy and ??? (I forgot already ^^;;).

The fondue looks trendy~~~~How come the blue cheese is not blue?? ^^;;;
Did you girls like the goat cheese fondue? that was my first time having fruits with goat cheese instead of regular cheese, which turns out heavnely!
The goat cheese is alright, but I prefer other types of cheese myself.
I was tired that night, and this place is supposed to be good for their entree. and it’s walking distance from my apartment hehe…
I don’t like cheese, but when it comes to fondue, it’s sooo yummy hehe..