We wandered to a chocolate shop near Pike Place Market. It has such cute and beautiful interior. It’s decorated with lots of cool old early 20th century chocolate ads and posters (you can buy some of them). The place sell so many different types of chocolate and chocolate related things, the ones on the counter are made by themselves (the rose ones are so beautiful), and European imports on the shelves. Everything seems so nice that it’s hard to decide what to buy!
So we asked the Chocolatier’s recommendation for gifts (for work colleagues), and she recommend us the Dofin gift set which has 12 different flavors including interesting ones like Earl Grey and Cinnamon. The wrappers’ design of these chocolate is so nice! She also gave expert advise to Veronica for choosing white chocolate. It’s definitely a nice place to buy unique chocolate gifts and fun to chat with an expert to learn about chocolate! The Little Red riding hood poster is so adorable~

Tags: Chocolate, Travel Report
The rose chocolate is beautiful!!!
Did you buy any choco for yourself?
I didn’t…I only bought a bunch of co-workers, art directors..^^;;; damn I should have bought some for myself, but I tried to control myself ma.