We had BBQ party at Johnny’s place for the July 4th weekend. It’s a lot of fun, I finally learned how to play poker! 😀 Johnny bought the BBQ stove in the morning and then we went to the market to buy the meat and sauce. We got steak, chicken, sausage, corn and zucchini. The chicken was marinated first with Stubbs Marinated sauce. The steaks are grilled with Stubbs original BBQ sauces Both were were grilled in right timing, good job!! 😀 The sausage has chili and cheese inside. The corn is very very sweet, sweeter than sugarcane sweet, I never had one that sweet before! The zucchini is mixed in olive oil and sprinkled lawrys seasoned salt on the top. Yummy!
Johnny made this gucamole and it’s very delicious! It’s easy to make, you mash avocado, mix with sour cream, garlic salt, and then add chopped tomato and onions. We also made our own peach sorbet. We followed the receipe found on Epicurious, basically mix orange juice, sugar, peaches and white wine together and froze it. We ate it at the end of the day, it wasn’t froze enough but it still taste pretty good. We added a lot more white wine than the recepie says 😛
Yan made a peach pie! Even though she pose very fake in the pix but she really did make it all by herself. She made one before and gave me a piece but I forgot to eat it 🙁 She made the crust at the morning so the flour didn’t waited enough for fermentation, hence the crack on the pie when it’s baked. Nevertheless it tasted really good! Gooood job~~~
Wow, very gourmet feel for a BBQ party! ^^;;;; The peach pie looks really good~~~~so sorbet is actually not that difficult to make huh!
is yan roberta??
wow she even made the crust herself!
impressive!! 😀
haha no Yan is not Roberta~~ She freelanced at IF before and that’s how we become friends 🙂
Yeah the crust tasted very good too!
The hardest part of sorbet is how to make the ice in smaller pieces, ours quite big…so…not sure what the trick is to make them in little pieces. ^^;;
heehee.. thank you, I am glad I didn’t fail this time ^O^