Le Petit Tonneau Kudanshita (ル・プティ・トノー@九段下)

豚ほほ肉赤ワイン煮 チョコレート風味、¥1800。
Pork cheek meat red wine stew with chocolate flavour, Y1800. This one is the best lunch I had in this place. I tried a couple of stewed meat lunch after this but they didn’t taste as good.

I think this place is pretty well-known among foreigners living in Tokyo. Its nearest station is Kudanshita but it is less than 10 mins walk from Jimbocho. I’ve had dinner here before long time ago(see tag). This post is made up of entirely weekday lunch visits when the menu is cheaper than the weekends’. On weekdays, this place is packed with Japanese salarymen and OLs, occasionally you see groups of foreigners or old Japanese couples who seem happy to talk to the foreigner staff in French.

Food-wise, I must say the quality varies depending what you order. The Y1050 spaghetti/short pasta/risotto lunch are very standard and not bad for a workday lunch. The Y1800 meat/fish lunch can range from “delicious!” to “hmm okay” to “…..terrible”. The portion also depends on the day. I guess if you come here for >10 times and you average out all the lunches, you will get a rating somewhere around “not bad”.
豚挽のトマトファルシ サラダ添え、¥1800。
Tomato Farcie with grounded pork, Y1800.
豚バラ赤ワイン煮 白いんげん豆添え、¥1800。
Pork belly red wine stew, white kidney beans, Y1800.
Choucroute, Y1800.
桜海老 トマトソース スパゲティ、¥1050。
Sakura-ebi(prawn) tomato sauce spaghetti, Y1050. Yellow peach tart, Y300.
Matou-dai(fish) and caper risotto, Y1050.
Roasted lamb, Y1800.
牛ホホ肉のビール煮込み 赤キャベツのブレゼ添え、¥1800。
Cow cheek beer stew with red cabbage braiser, Y1800.
Itoyori(fish) braiser and seaweed risotto, Y1800. I think fish lunch is generally better than meat lunch.
鮮魚のポワレ ムール貝のスープ仕立て、¥1800。
Pan-fried fish with mussel and soup, Y1800.
かさごのポワレ かぶとベーコンのクリーム煮、¥1800。
Pan-fried Kasago, turnip and bacon cream stew, Y1800.
Oyster cream spaghetti, Y1050.
Baby lamb and cabbage short pasta, Y1050.
目鯛のポワレ キャベツのブレゼ、¥1800。
Pan-fried Medai and cabbage braiser, Y1800.
ステーキ フリット、¥1800。
Steak and frites, Y1800.
Menu: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.

Le Petit Tonneau – Kudanshita (ル・プティ・トノー@九段下)

Le Petit Tonneau – Kudan (ル・プティ・トノー)

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Dinner course 3800yen, glass champagne 1000yen, and glass wine 600yen. I booked this place a few days before but apparently it was not early enough because we had to sit by the open door which was a bit cold. The table right next to us was a bunch of girls who were making a racket right from the beginning before they even started drinking – it was a birthday party apparently. As a result we had to shout over our tiny table to be heard throughout our entire dinner. Many people were taking photos using flash – which was such a rare sight in Japan. The girls next to us were even taking photos with the French waitor, and my friend and I had to dodge and duck to avoid ending up in the background – I mean we were right behind them. ^^;; The menu for the drinks and cocktails was long and we were asked by the waitors a few times before we could decide on our drinks. The menu for the meal was even longer, we had to choose a cold appetizer, a hot appetizer, a main dish and a dessert, each of which has dozens of options with additional specials of the day etc., but we weren’t given much time, the two waitors kept coming back like 3 or 4 times in what I thought was only a short time, asking “Still not ready?”, which made us both very panicky and at the end, quite annoyed. We were there so early from like 6pm….I really had no idea what was the rush. From then we decided to only call on the Japanese waitress instead cos she was much more polite.
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鴨のフレッシュフォアグラと大根のポワレ ハチミツとスバイスのオレンジソース(+500円)。
Assorted delicatessen platter “Petit Tonneau” Style. All very good, and not too salty.
Fresh foie gras sautéed with turnip, orange sauce with honey and spice. An extra charge of 500yen. Not bad, though the foie gras itself was a bit mild tasting and not too creamy, while the sauce was salty.
The waitor came from my friend’s behind and said something like “C’est bien desuka?”, which made my friend jumped and dumbfounded….she couldn’t quite get over it. ^^;;;
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Traditional Petit Salé of pork served with lentils. The meat was quite soft and surprising not too salty. I thought there would be sauce but it was dry.
Cherry Tarte. Mainly almond cream with a thin slice of cherry on top. Not bad.
3800yen for a 4-course dinner without service charge and tax, is such a great deal. The food is quite good, waitors are all foreigners(French?) and many customers are foreigners too so it makes you forget that you are in Tokyo. The atmosphere is lively if you are in the mood for some noisy merrymaking. ^^;;
Le Petit Tonneau