The pool guy who comes in our villa will also do massage for $25. But as me and this girl rush back from the beach to catch him, he left for the day! So two of us went down to explore the town again and found this very cute place for $35. There’re two therapists there, one female and male (haha I caught the female one). She spoke perfect English and very very sweet. She’s very thorough, massaging even my toes. Later she said she put more pressure at a certain spot where I’m seriously tense. It felt GOOD! Too bad all these relaxing muscle was aching again from the swimming in the next few days…^^;;

Tags: Travel Report
I have never done massage but apparently your body is supposed to ache after massage…
After many magaritas and massage, you didn’t fall asleep??
Damn it is so freezing cold in Japan, so envy your beach vacation~~~~
I fell deep asleep during massage because it felt so relaxing. LA is very cold too…argh….
It’s especially nice I don’t have to worry about looking ‘good’ in a beach vacation, I didn’t wear makeup all those days (you go in and out water all the time).
Yeah haha, I noticed the window reflection of you taking pics and you were in sandals? ^^;;
Yeah…I used to be anti-flip-flops right (it’s an LA thing where the rich people would wear flip-flop everywhere). I finally got a pair and it felt great! So casual and dont’ have to worry about getting wet and sand.