December 27, 2005 1

Le Pain Quotidien (Santa Monica)

By in 16: Santa Monica

Mojito-ish Mint Lemonade and Apple/Cherry Cider.
DSC08091.jpgChocolate mousse cake. Quite good! My entire xmas feels like nothing by shopping (in a non-fun task way). And when you’re exhausted and wanted to sit down, LA is really seriously lacking non Starbuck sidewalk cafe with decent non-caffeine drinks and cakes…even at supposedly ‘made for walking’ section’ like Promenade.

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One Response to “Le Pain Quotidien (Santa Monica)”

  1. tomoko says:

    I must confess….
    I like to go to starbucks to space out and read.
    I stick to Starbucks these days,
    cuz in Japan its the OOONNLY place that’s
    non-smoking and offers decaf coffee!

    but yeah I wish there were more cafes that offered non-caffeine drinks, cuz I don’t
    really like coffee to begin with.