August 15, 2005 3

Sawtelle Kitchen (Sawtelle)

By in 12: Sawtelle

All freelancers are gone and Adam’s in Japan for business trip right now. I lunched alone mostly. Carbonara from this Japanese yoshoku place. Doesn’t taste like carbonara (blocks of ham instead of bacon for instance) but strangely addictive.

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3 Responses to “Sawtelle Kitchen (Sawtelle)”

  1. tomoko says:

    is your workplace near sawtelle?
    such a great location!

  2. seat says:

    Carbonara has to be bacon?? ^^;;; Yeah the cream and egg sauce is very addictive!

  3. Freda says:

    Yeah tomoko, where i worked is quite close to Sawtelle, about 10+ minutes drive, where I can my “Asian food” fix! ;D If I want quick cheap ok Asian food, I’d go to the Mitsuwa Market (that’s even more closeby) food court :DD

    I think the smokey bacon is the key flavor of Carbonara…haha, at least all the yummy ones are. But since a child I’ve always prefer white cream sauce over red sauce.