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I never thought this elevator was the main entrance and circled around the block…but this was it. ^^;;; Very lovely open terrace. Too bad it was too cold to sit outside.
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The little tidbits have interesting spicy taste. Bread is from Maison Kayser.
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カボチャのニョッキ パルメザンのチュイル。
Amuse-bouche alone consists of 5 dishes!
Pumpkin gnocchi and parmesan feuille(I guess “feuille” is the same as mille-feuille but just one layer?).
Quail egg and topinambours(Jerusalem artichokes) in Velouté sauce.
060126 023060126 026
牛肉とカリフラワーのジュレ コリアンダー・ホウレン草 アーモンドを添えて。
Poireau leek and blue mussel soup.
Beef and cauliflower jelly, coriander and spinach, with almond.
060126 028060126 032
平スズキのマリネ スモークサーモンのペースト。
Hirasuzuki(a kind of sea bass) in marinade, with smoked salmon paste.
060126 036060126 041
ノイリー酒の香るフォアグラのガトー仕立て モヤシとズッキーニのクロッカン緑のソースにキノアを浮かべて。
地キンメのパヴェ 焦がしバター風味 フヌイユのママレード<ピエロ>サフランの香り。
Foie gras gateau(a slice of smoked duck on top), beansprout and zucchini(chopped into small bits) and quinoa in green sauce. On top is “Crystal leave”, which is some fancy laboratory invention and has a natural crispy texture and a shiny surface caused by the salt intrinsic to the leaf….quite delicious but felt like eating an experiment. ^^;;
Kinmedai(Alfonsino) “Pavé”, with burnt butter, marmelade of fenouil(fennel) in saffron sauce.
060126 048060126 050
Dessert alone has 4 courses…
Raspberry soup with forgot-what ice-cream.
The cube thing is pistachio and forgot-what ice-cream.
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Pear soup with forgot-what ice-cream(should have jot down some memo). The spaghetti thing is fried custard cream apparently.
Underneath the chocolate disc is chocolate paste and hazelnut and other things. The server poured hot chocolate sauce into the hole before we ate.

A 3-hour parade of dozens of dishes of food in bite size, all in trendy and stylish presentation. Each dish, no matter how small, is so complicated, that we spent a lot of time listening intently to the server’s long explanation and cross-checking with the menu that everyone got at hand. I think I am not the one who went from mildly dazed to half-confused to utterly exhausted. ^^;; The food are all fancy but I have to say taste-wise they leave very little impression. Seriously I simply didn’t know what I was eating at some point…very interesting experience though!

We had the 7000yen lunch course, which is quite cheap considering how many plates and bowls they will have to wash afterwards, but the drinks are quite expensive so better watch out.