Beige Tokyo (ベージュ東京)

060105 016060105 019
Much-hyped French restaurant on the 10th floor of the new Chanel building in Ginza, apparently a collaboration of Chanel with a renowned French chef(better not mention his name). Rumour has it that the food is “….”, but a friend wanted to try it anyway before leaving Tokyo for good, so we went, slightly intimidated by the high ceiling and the army of staff in black Chanel suits, ate the 8000yen lunch course, drank the 2000yen champagne, and consequently confirmed that the rumour is true afterall. ^^;;;;;;;
Foie gras soup.
060105 024060105 022
The brownish round thing is butter with mushroom mixed in it, with the bread it is quite nice.
060105 027060105 035
Uni and scallop coquille.
Cod piqué(??) with bacon, pumpkin and trumpet mushroom, sauce dolce forte.
060105 038060105 047
Roasted pork loin meat, with potato.
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カレ・シャネル ショコラープラリネ、グラス ノワゼット。
Carré Chanel chocolate praliné, glace noisette. Apart from bread and butter, the dessert is also very good. Though to our irritation, coffee is not included in the course.
Beige Tokyo