
060204 004060204 006
At dinner. Szechuan style sparerib, 1239yen. Rice is 200yen. Hmm, the sparerib is very dry. A bit expensive for the quality.

Cote d’Or(コートドール)

060131 007060131 010
冷製 季節の野菜の蒸し煮 コリアンダーの香りをつけて(野菜のエチュベ)。
Red bell pepper mousse, with tomato sauce.
Steamed vegetables with coriander.
060131 011060131 022
黒トリュフのかき卵 ワインソース。
牛のしっぽの煮込み 赤ワインソース。
Scrambled egg with truffle, red wine sauce.
Braised ox tail in red wine sauce, pumpkin paste.
060131 018060131 020
北海道白糠産仔羊のロースト ポテトのグラタン。
Roasted lamb with potato gratin.
060131 027060131 029
青森産赤いリンゴのタルト ダイスケ風。
Mulberry seed sorbet. Apple tart.
060131 032060131 036
Mandarin orange souffle.

The chef’s 10 famous dishes are:
01 赤ピーマンのムース (Red bell pepper mousse)
02 えいとキャベツ (Ray fish with cabbage)
03 季節の野菜のエチュベ (Steamed vegetables with coriander)
04 トリュフのかき卵 (Scrambled egg with black truffle)
05 牛尾の赤ワイン煮 (Braised ox tail in red wine sauce)
06 仔羊のロースト (Roasted lamb)
07 しそのスープ (Shiso soup)
08 おこぜのポワレ (Pan-fried Stonefish)
09 ソーモンのタルタルモンブラン (Salmon Tartare Mont Blanc )
10 根セロリとリ・ド・ヴォーの煮込み (Celery root and Lamb sweetbreads)
Book here.

I have tried 1 and 2 during my first lunch visit(see tag). Came back again with a few friends and tried 3, 4, 5, 6. We basically picked from the a la carte menu, and have them arranged into a lunch course. Not cheap to order from the a la carte, but gosh the “scrambled egg with truffle” is worth everything….you can smell it miles away! So much truffle in it! Every spoon is truffle truffle truffle~~~absolutely heaven! The server said to eat it quick, at the most 5-6 minutes, otherwise the egg will harden. But it was just too mind-blowingly delicious that I was reluctant to finish the last mouthful. ^^;; Everything else is so good. You won’t go wrong in this restaurant. Though as personal preferences, I do like the Ox tail more than the lamb(pictures for the meat courses show half portion only), and I like the souffle included in the lunch course(which is the same as my last visit) more than the apple tart(which we shared) from the al la carte. In terms of value, the 4500yen lunch course is probably better, but exquisite experience comes with a price….my friend said later that she couldn’t help thinking how much each spoon of that truffle was while eating it…^^;;
A la carte menu(J): 1, 2.
Cote d’Or

HIDEMI SUGINO (イデミ スギノ@京橋)

060213 043060213 042

060213 045Fromage blanc and mascarpone mousse, thin cookie as base, whole apricot and lemon peel inside. Very light and not too sweet but with strong alcohol taste. Very nice!

Apparently this cake shop was introduced in some widely-watched TV show and became super famous. Cakes get sold out by noon cos people start queuing in the morning, even on weekdays. There is a cafe space and if you want to eat there, you also need to go in the morning, either have cakes for breakfast, or reserve your cakes and come back a few hours later. Some cakes are only for take-out and some are only for eat-in. Because of all these hassle, I simply never bothered to go. But one day my friends and I walked past at 3pm, and there were two kinds of cakes left in the showcase. My friend went “Miracle!! Miracle!!”, so even though we already had a full course French lunch, we decided to eat in. We had champagne at lunch already….but we conveniently forgot about that and had champagne again with the cakes. ^^;;;

060214 009060214 012
Also bought chocolate financier with cherries, and coffee pound cake with marron. Both very good!


0805010015UPDATES! (May 2008)

1119 027.jpg1119 025.jpg

1119 038.jpgエベレスト(チーズムースの中に赤いフルーツ)。ラルメ(マロンムース)。
Everest(cheese mousse) and Larme(Marron mousse)


ほていさん@月島 (Hoteisan)

060204 065060204 058
Mozuku(seaweed in vinegar) and sesame tofu. Sashimi.
060204 062060204 068

060204 072あんこう鍋。雑炊。
Anko-nabe(Angler-fish/Monkfish hotpot). So good! The big pile of orange paste is Ankimo, which the madam told us to taste a bit before she put the lid on the nabe. The dashi is delicious from the start – we all drank a bowl while waiting for the ingredients to be cooked. The meat of Anko has firm texture, the skin is jelly-like and chewy(full of collagen). The rich-tasting Ankimo is of course the best part! Rice and egg are added to the soup to make zouzui. Yum!

This place is very popular during winter season when Anko is available. I had to book like 2 months ago and it was not an easy task cos the staff don’t seem to be very patient on the phone. While you are there, they are efficient and simply do everything for you – you just sit and wait for your bowl of food. You are only allowed 2 hours, which is more than enough because, before you finish the sashimi, they will start making the hotpot, and before you finish your first bowl of anko and soup, the staff will come and scoop more ingredients into your (donburi-size)bowl. We had to wait a long time for the zousui though(Maybe they forgot to cook rice? ^^;;).

The place was packed with people smoking so not exactly a comfortable place to stay long. In fact I got a massive headache because the guy at the next table(very close) was an impossible chain-smoker who didn’t quite stop even when he was eating.

We all had beer and nihonshu, about 6600yen each. Well very reasonable for the amount and quality of food you get. Taste-wise this place definitely makes it to my favourites, but the environment is a little too much for me!


060126 001060126 003
I never thought this elevator was the main entrance and circled around the block…but this was it. ^^;;; Very lovely open terrace. Too bad it was too cold to sit outside.
060126 012060126 005

060126 009060126 016
The little tidbits have interesting spicy taste. Bread is from Maison Kayser.
060126 019060126 022
カボチャのニョッキ パルメザンのチュイル。
Amuse-bouche alone consists of 5 dishes!
Pumpkin gnocchi and parmesan feuille(I guess “feuille” is the same as mille-feuille but just one layer?).
Quail egg and topinambours(Jerusalem artichokes) in Velouté sauce.
060126 023060126 026
牛肉とカリフラワーのジュレ コリアンダー・ホウレン草 アーモンドを添えて。
Poireau leek and blue mussel soup.
Beef and cauliflower jelly, coriander and spinach, with almond.
060126 028060126 032
平スズキのマリネ スモークサーモンのペースト。
Hirasuzuki(a kind of sea bass) in marinade, with smoked salmon paste.
060126 036060126 041
ノイリー酒の香るフォアグラのガトー仕立て モヤシとズッキーニのクロッカン緑のソースにキノアを浮かべて。
地キンメのパヴェ 焦がしバター風味 フヌイユのママレード<ピエロ>サフランの香り。
Foie gras gateau(a slice of smoked duck on top), beansprout and zucchini(chopped into small bits) and quinoa in green sauce. On top is “Crystal leave”, which is some fancy laboratory invention and has a natural crispy texture and a shiny surface caused by the salt intrinsic to the leaf….quite delicious but felt like eating an experiment. ^^;;
Kinmedai(Alfonsino) “Pavé”, with burnt butter, marmelade of fenouil(fennel) in saffron sauce.
060126 048060126 050
Dessert alone has 4 courses…
Raspberry soup with forgot-what ice-cream.
The cube thing is pistachio and forgot-what ice-cream.
060126 054060126 063
Pear soup with forgot-what ice-cream(should have jot down some memo). The spaghetti thing is fried custard cream apparently.
Underneath the chocolate disc is chocolate paste and hazelnut and other things. The server poured hot chocolate sauce into the hole before we ate.

A 3-hour parade of dozens of dishes of food in bite size, all in trendy and stylish presentation. Each dish, no matter how small, is so complicated, that we spent a lot of time listening intently to the server’s long explanation and cross-checking with the menu that everyone got at hand. I think I am not the one who went from mildly dazed to half-confused to utterly exhausted. ^^;; The food are all fancy but I have to say taste-wise they leave very little impression. Seriously I simply didn’t know what I was eating at some point…very interesting experience though!

We had the 7000yen lunch course, which is quite cheap considering how many plates and bowls they will have to wash afterwards, but the drinks are quite expensive so better watch out.

VILAMOURA (ヴィラモウラ)

060202 061060202 062
Portugese dinner!
Sauteed mushroom and egg with garlic.
Cod and potato croquette.
060202 067060202 068
Coriander and Parmigiano cheese salad.
Bacalhau and potato cream gratin.
060202 072060202 073
アサリと豚ロースのソテー アレンテージョ風。
Pickerel and vegetables Escabeche.
Clam and sauteed pork loin meat, Alentejo style.
060202 076060202 078
Vegetables in Cocotte.
Freshly baked cheese bread – Pão de queijo.
060202 079060202 082
Duck rice cooked from duck bouillon.
060202 084060202 089
ヴィラモウラ風魚介のカタプラーナ、(ワタリガ二・アサリ・ヤリイカ・エビ・タコ) トマトスープ。
残ったスープをリゾットに リゾットライス。
Seafood Cataplana(crab, clam, squid, prawn, octopus). Tomato soup based.
Risotto is added into the leftover soup.
060202 090060202 094
ハーブティー。 ポルトガルプリン。
Herb tea. Pudding.
060202 096060202 101

060202 041エッグタルト。 チョコレートムース。
Portugese egg tart. Chocolate mousse.

I was not too excited at first about dining in a Portugese restaurant cos the very few times I had Portugese food, they were not very memorable experience. But this place turned out to be much much better than I expected. The food is simple but very delicious. Heavy use of garlic and coriander in almost all the dishes. Cod seems to be a common ingredient. I absolutely love the “fluffy” croquette and duck rice. The pork is a bit hard but the clam and the tomato sauce are very tasty. The Cataplana is a must try. The risotto is slightly salty but very good still. The desserts are not bad but nothing special. 6 of us shared all the food and we had about 2 drinks each(champagne and wine included), came to about 4000yen each – such good value!!