Tateru Yoshino Shiba Park Hotel (タテル ヨシノ)

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3675yen lunch course. This place is inside a hotel. At first I thought it was a modern hotel, but turned out it was a little old. We went on a Sunday lunch and there were families eating lunch there – very casual.
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Amuse bouche: Maguro tartare rolled in aubergine.
Uni flan and pumpkin “awayuki”(probably meaning it is like snow, i.e. light and foamy).
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060130 035喜界島産コバトのロティ、ポトフ仕立て。 温かい林檎タルトキャラメルのアイス。
Baby pigeon roti in pot-au-feu.
warm apple tart and caramel ice-cream.

Quite good quality food for the price. Especially love the pigeon meat which is very tender. The server told us that the pink olive-shape thing was pigeon’s heart, but it tasted like egg with egg yolk inside….I grabbed the waiter again and he said it was egg afterall(^^;;;). Forgot whether he said it was pigeon egg or quail egg.
Menu: 1, 2, 3.
Tateru Yoshino