Merveille (メルヴェイユ)

060213 007060213 012
ブーダン ノワール。
人参のムース、 カニとホタテのタルタル、 野菜・ウニ・トマトのジュレを供に。
Boudin noir(pork blood sausage). Delicious!
Carrot mousse, crab and scallop tartare, vegetables and uni and tomato jelly. A little cold in the middle but overall very refreshing.
060213 018060213 023
サワラのポワレ 白身魚のコロッケ添え。
Pan-fried Sawara(Spanish Mackerel), cod croquette. Like the croquette more than the fish.
Grilled Iberico pork shoulder meat. Smokey flavour and ham-like solid texture. Minced pork rolled in zucchini on the side is good too.
060213 030060213 035

060213 005特製ロールケーキ、ヨーグルトシャーベット添え。
Roll cake with yogurt sorbet. There were 3 desserts to choose from and I originally picked the blanc manger, but AFTER I ordered, my friends told me that the roll cake is the specialty of the house. I grabbed the waiter immediately and changed my order, and he said “Oh yeah, roll cake is THE thing to order, but I am in no position to hardsell it….” (No, it is your JOB to recommend!! ^^;) Anyway, I am glad I ordered it, cos it really is very good. The cream and the sponge are so smooth and rich. The finger cakes that come with the coffee are crispy on the surface, very good too.

Full lunch course is 4800yen. The amuse-bouche is not included but my friend knows the manager so we got special service, hoho~