HongCho ぶるだっく (HongCho Booldak)

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ぶるだっく: 蒸した鶏もも肉をオリジナルソースで直火焼きした夜の定番メニュー。
Dinner at a chain restaurant from Korea.
Booldak: Steamed chicken grilled with original sauce. The dish that is also the restaurant’s name. Very very spicy!! But the chicken is soft and juicy, and the sauce is addictive. The original spicy version is only available at dinner time – at lunch time it is a milder version.
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ぶるでじ: 豚三段バラ肉をオリジナルソースで直火焼きした。
Pork belly meat grilled in original sauce. Sweeter and milder than Booldak. The meat is a bit hard.
Fresh vegetables to wrap around the meat which makes it less spicy.
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ケランチム: イカ、エビなどが入った、具だくさんの豆乳玉子スプ。
ヌルンジ: おこげスープ。
Squid and prawn soup with egg tofu. Very good!
Rice soup is mostly tasteless water with very little rice.
Two people, two drinks, 4800yen.
HongCho ぶるだっく